Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chemical leavening agent of baking soda

The potash was used in baking as a leavening agent until 1830s. Later, a more favored baking soda (sodium carbonate) soon arrived on the scene. It is the most common agents used for quick breads, cake, cookie and is commercially known as Bicarbonate of Soda.

Baking soda yield carbon dioxide when an alkali reacts with an acid in the presence of a liquid.

Acidic ingredients include natural cocoa powder, butter milk, yoghurt, sour cream, honey, molasses, brown sugar, applesauce, lemon and other citrus juices.

In the process, the residue of the washing soda is left in the baked product, causing inferior color and unpleasant taste. To correct the deficiencies the baker may incorporate either all of the following ingredients: honey, molasses, lemon or vinegar.

Up to ¼ teaspoon of baking soda required for each cup of flour to be leavened. When baking soda is moistened and mixed with an acidic ingredient, it immediately forms carbon dioxide gas, which starts to enlarge the air pockets in the batter.

As soon as it is mixed into a batter, the baking soda is activated and the batter should be baked promptly.

Since baked products brown better when they’re alkaline, baking coda promotes good crust and crumb color.
Chemical leavening agent of baking soda

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