Boric acid and sodium tetraborate (borax) are authorized in EU for use as preservatives of sturgeon eggs (caviar) up to a maximum concentration of 4 g boric acid/kg.
Boric acid (also known as boracic acid or orthoboric acid) and borax are common boron-containing compounds. It mainly exists in the form of borates, compounds formed after combining with other substances, in the environment. Boric acid exists in the form of colorless crystals or a white powder that dissolves in water.
Boric acid and borax have long been used as additive in various foods. Since boric acid and borax are effective against yeasts, and to a much lesser extent, against moulds and bacteria, they can be used to preserve food products.
It was reported that boric acid to be used as food preservatives in some foods and food products. Boric acid is used for preserving meats, meat products, caviar and dairy products.
Boric acid is detrimental to human health if consumed in excess. In 1990, the SCF (Scientific Committee for Food) evaluated boric acid and concluded that boric acid and its salts were toxicologically acceptable for use only as a preservative in genuine caviar.
Because of boric acid contains cumulative toxicity, FAO/WHO Expert Committee declared that boric acid is unsafe to use as food additives. The evaluation noted that a long-term study in rats had demonstrated some accumulation of boric acid in some organs. The evaluation also reported that the compound is nephrotoxic.
Food preservative - Boric acid
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