Nitrates (potassium nitrate, KNO3; sodium nitrate, NaNO3) and nitrites (potassium nitrite, KNO2; sodium nitrite, NaNO2) are well known as curing agents in cured meat production. The application of these food additives origins from the use of saltpetre (nitrate salts), that has been used to preserve meat for centuries. In the twentieth century, it became clear that nitrite generated out of nitrate under acidic conditions is the actual preserving agent.
Nitrites, together with nitrates, are also added to meat to keep it red and give flavor, while nitrates are used to prevent certain cheeses from bloating during fermentation.
Sodium nitrite added to cured meats inhibits the growth of microorganisms, specifically Clostridium botulinum and the development of the botulism toxin. In 1906, the USDA approved sodium nitrite as a food additive, and the meat industry began using it in cured meats starting in 1925.
Nitrates and nitrites are present in several food products, as naturally occurring compounds and thus nitrates and nitrites form part of the human diet.
Sodium nitrite is the inorganic compound with the chemical formula NaNO2. It is a white crystalline powder that is very soluble in water.
Sodium Nitrite free flowing food grade. The anti-caking agent is the key. Using this additive, it is easier to make the exact concentration for preserving meat and sausage products with pickle-salt.
Food additive Sodium Nitrite NaNO2
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