The carotenoids, particularly their nature-identical synthetic counter parts, beta-app-8’-carotenal,beta-carotene ash canthaxanthin, are popular food colorants.
The carotenoids add yellow, red and orange pigmentation to foods. Beta-carotene and beta-apo-8’-carotenal have vitamin activity but canthaxanthin does not.
Federal regulations permit addition of beta-carotene to foods at any concentration but specify maximum limits for beta-app-8’ carotenal (1.5 mg/lb or pinto food).
Beta-carotene is used to colour margarine, shortening, butter, cheese, baked goods, confections, ice cream, egg nog, macaroni products, soups, juices, and beverages.
Beta-apo-8’-carotenal may be used to colour juices, fruit drink, soups, jams, jellies, gelatine, processed cheese, margarine, sale dressing and fats and oils.
Carotenoid as food colorant
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